David Cotton

David Cotton

LPL Financial Advisor

David has been working in the financial industry his entire career and has seen nothing but volatility. He has maintained focus on ways to be successful in these conditions, while carefully evaluating new products introduced to the industry. His focus on financial life planning and taking emotions out of the investing equation have helped him lead clients and 401k participants to successful retirement saving strategies. David finds his motivation in improving the lives of participants and the plans they participate in. Using both education and relationship building with the participants, he helps them understand the importance of saving and finds their personal motivators to get participants on track for retirement. David feels that there have been many improvements in the 401k plan world over the last few years and sees more positive changes coming. He looks forward to sharing those with plan sponsors and helping implement them successfully in their plans. Joining Eminent Wealth Strategies has allowed him to continue to provide the services that plan sponsors seek to help them manage risk and participants pursue their retirement goals.